Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Waiting or Withhold?

My Devotion
My Heart
Waiting or Withhold?

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Oh Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you. Psalm 84:11-12

Do you ever wonder, in comparison of course, why it seems like others are being blessed more than you are? First let me say that comparisons are just another form of judgments that we hide behind a lot. Our observations should be totally on ourselves not comparing ourselves to anyone but Christ. If we are focused and committed to pleasing God, then what does it matter what anyone else’s blessings are, except to rejoice for them and with them? I have also become a firm believer in the fact that all blessings are not material or physical. But we are so busy in trying to keep up with what we see, we completely forget all the blessings we do have.

Since we are so caught up in the comparison game and become jealous and envious because of what we see others getting, let’s look at the possibilities of how they received such blessings. There are two possible scenarios, one they could be living a life completely pleasing and blameless before God and God has opened the floodgate of blessings on them or they could be going about their life doing what they want when they want and working hard to appear to be blessed, but they are so stressed from the masquerade and hiding from the truth, they can’t stop because the lie is much easier to hide in than living in the truth is. The second scenario is short-lived and usually ends with a huge crash. People trying to live in a lie that they have so many blessings are more than likely up to their ears in debt and have gotten so addicted to the attention they think they are getting their demise is even greater.

Yes it is true that living a blameless life and pleasing God, does not always show immediate gratification in fact it gets really hard to keep it going, because we are always fighting the flesh for what we can see. Again I have to go to the words of Peter; In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1Peter 1:6-7

I have to work through this every day. There are things that I want to have and experience in this life and while God has been good to me all my life, my eyes just keep wandering to the things that this world dresses up and makes what I want look so good. I have even gotten so caught up in my desire for what I want I don’t even dream of the best thing, but will catch myself praying, God if you’ll just give me, that little shabby one over there or something like that…I don’t need much, I just want one of my own. Now I’m not even talking about the worldly things that are sinful like the obvious wild parties and the like, I’m talking about the things that are not harmful, like the great American dream, of cars, houses, clothes, travel and so on. These things are well and good, but I’ve heard of many people who have nearly sold their soul to attain such possessions, those aren’t blessings; they become the product of sin. Lust is not only limited to the lust of the body, we can lust for things just as easy and completely miss the blessings of God.

Psalm 84 tells us that NO GOOD THING does God withhold from those who walk is blameless and blessed is the man (woman) who trusts in God. It’s easy to trust in God when things are good and blessings abound both physically and spiritually, but what about those times that God feels so far away and we have to wait for His time, that is tough. Trusting God when we can’t see Him doing anything in our lives, no changes are being made, we aren’t moving forward and we aren’t moving backward, the blessings we can count are the ones we have had not the ones we are longing for. Be very careful that is exactly the time that our walk can end being blameless. It’s like we’ve worked an inner agreement, as long as I’m getting my way, I’ll be good, but the minute it gets hard and the blessings stop pouring from heaven I’m going to do it my way. God wants us to trust His heart more than we trust His had working where we can see it. God always has our best interest in His heart and He knows what is best for us. Remember He knows the future; He is already there. He knows every possible outcome and every ending to every possible way that we choose to go.

I have a question for you; Since when did life become about you? When did the purpose change? God created us for His good pleasure, we are for His good purpose so when someone tells you that God will bless you no matter what you do, don’t be fooled God will withhold blessings when we are out of His will and not living life pleasing to Him.

Now I’m not saying that because you are not being blessed right now with the good things you want that you aren’t walking blameless, I’m saying stand firm, keep walking, keep doing what you know is right, keep pressing on, the breakthrough is at hand, God will bless you when you trust in Him even when you can’t tell what He is doing. When it seems that He is silent or off busy doing something else…remember God is always here with you, His word says He will never leave you or forsake you. Sometimes to bring the blessing to you and me, many other things have to line up and be just right before the breakthrough can come through. This is why it is so very important that every person do everything that they know is right. God holds us accountable for what we understand at the level of understanding we are at. It takes time and effort to learn God’s word and apply it to your life, God will not punish you because you don’t completely understand the word of God. But He will instruct you and help you understand. Graduation is in the future, so keep studying, there will be a final exam and the questions will include what you did for Him while you were here? The redeemed will be judged for every action, thought, and word spoken.

Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debaucher; but be filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit. Speak out to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, offering praise with voices [and instruments] and making melody with all your heart. At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father. Ephesians 5:15-20(MSG)

See it’s not so hard, look it up God will show you the way, the truth, and the life. Every instruction and advice has been written in His word for you and I to access anytime we need it. Do what you know to do and get to know even more make every effort to make your walk blameless in God’s sight, no good thing will He withhold from you and blessed beyond measure you will be when you trust completely trust Him all the time. Is God withholding good things from you or are you just waiting for His perfect timing? When the tough gets going, the tougher hit their knees.

In HIS Time

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