Sunday, June 13, 2010

Good Sunday morning!

I have posted some of my latest devotionals recently, but rarely do I post what is going on directly in my mind and in my life. My devotionals are a direct result of that is going on in my world, in my thoughts and feelings and in my activities and relationships. It is my goal and desire to relate to others that life is life, we are all going through similar struggles and victories. Good and bad are all a part of life, but we get so distracted by the newsmakers we end up thinking we are the only ones with average lives and average problems, that God it too busy with all the catastrophes going on in the world. I'm here to speak out that we outnumber the newsmakers and God cares about each and every one with as much passion and love that He has and that is more than we can imagine. So if you are reading this and other posts, thank you and God bless you. Allow me to encourage you to press on, lean fully on Him and He will take you through your life and even though we may not make the evening news or entertainment weekly, God knows and more than that we have His loving attention. So go through your day with this thought "God is interested in what I am doing and how I feel."

In HIS Time


  1. Amen girl! Very true. Thanks for always sharing your heart and being real.

  2. Hi! Teresa, just stopping by, enjoyed your posts, I am new to the blog world, in fact just in Feb.,I began this new-found hobby! I just love it! It is so neat to be able to share Jesus, and our everyday life with each other! I will follow! Have a great wk-end!:)
