Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Latest Update on Book

Much work has been done behind the scenes. I've received a marketing report sheet and there have been about seven stores contacted for possible book signings and one is scheduled for May 15 in Mt. Pleasant. With lots of media from news papers to radio and tv stations. Please pray for God's favor to rest on each one contacted and the book will be sold not only through my east Texas area but everywhere. Best Seller list may be a far fetched dream, but my Bible tells me that with God all things are possible. If He wants this to do I! Thank you for your prayers.


  1. HALLELUJAH...I already see answered prayers. Be a Lion Chaser girl! I see great things for you and God together!

  2. Thanks Tara! As much as God wants this to happen Satan doesn't. He is attacking everything in my life.
